Details of <aplteam-MathConstants-1.0.0>

You may publish any packages to the Tatin Test Registry with the API key "Tatin-Test-API-Key" except for the groups "dyalog" and "aplteam". However, note that the data of the Test Registry is occasionally reset.

  api: "MathConstants",
  assets: "",
  date: 20221029.094731,
  description: "Math constants",
  documentation: "",
  files: "",
  group: "aplteam",
  io: 1,
  license: "MIT",
  maintainer: "",
  minimumAplVersion: "18.0",
  ml: 1,
  name: "MathConstants",
  os_lin: 1,
  os_mac: 1,
  os_win: 1,
  project_url: "",
  source: "APLSource",
  tags: "",
  version: "1.0.0",